Watch out for rate tantrums

Watch out for rate tantrums

With the various flavors of the Taylor Rule (see last week’s posts for more on the Taylor Rule)  now declining due to moderating inflation and a rising unemployment rate, the Fed has some room to eventually give back a few of its rate hikes.

By: Jurrien Timmer

Earnings growth is exceeding expectations

Earnings growth is exceeding expectations

After gaining 28% in a straight line from the 10% correction low in late October to the most recent all-time high, it’s understandable that the market has been consolidating a bit.

By: Jurrien Timmer

Lower quality bonds are being dumped

Lower quality bonds are being dumped

Perhaps the market is starting to realize things are not as rosy as it seems. When investors feel the economic winds are on their backs, flows go proportionately to the different credit buckets, in fact one can argue that in an expansion, riskier bets are placed and the worst credit ratings get more money.

By: Gustavo A. Cano

The type of inflation matters for equities

The type of inflation matters for equities

"As long as inflation is pro-cyclical (demand-pull), stocks tend to perform well, as higher inflation is associated with stronger growth. When inflation is counter cyclical (cost-push), however, stocks suffer."

By: Daily Chartbook