Our mission is to help advisers advance the financial well-being of their clients so they become a premium wealth management provider in their local market(s). There is no typical CMC client profile - they come in most sizes, from most financial service industries, and from across the country.
Successful advisory businesses require compiling multiple skills. Investment management activities represent part of the time spent by RIAs spend running their business.
The basics
Firstly, our support services are intended to help advisers feel comfortable with the investment management aspect of their business process so they in turn feel comfortable investing more time building relationships and growing AUM. Time well spent looking forward in growing and shaping their business helps advisors achieve results.
Secondly, each wealth management business, institution or practitioner is different. We do not aim to alter, reshape, or necessarily change the investment philosophy of our clients (that is up to them). Rather, we help them improve the quality and consistency of their approach while protecting them with comprehensive research and due diligence that is fully documented. Each CMC client has their own, adviser defined relationship with us.
Thirdly, that documentation is vital to prudent investment decision making, systematic firm risk management, preparation for regulatory or audit exams, or in the event there is ever a dispute with a consumer. Well-reasoned business decisions and brand protection are key byproducts of our work regardless of the way an advisor chooses to invest.
Fourthly, we are custodian and technology agnostic. Our clients custody investor assets at all the major independent custodians, and deploy a wide range of technology solutions in their business. Our work is independent of those business entities. We focus on investment manager, capital market, and economic research all in support of decisions which are in the best interests of advisors and their investors.
““The introduction and wide-scale availability of outsourcing options have been instrumental in increasing advisors’ capacity to spend more quality time with clients, create investment process efficiencies and grow the menu of services offered”
from “Outsourcing: Striking the Right Balance Between Customization and Efficiency” FA Insight TD Ameritrade Institutional 2019”
Discovery - getting to know you
Learning about what is important to you is a vital building block in an effective relationship with CMC. Our deliberate approach to discovering your needs and learning about your business prepares us to help you with specificity.
What do you want? What does your business need? What are your business priorities? What service arrangement fits your budget? What is your timeline?
We explore and vet these questions with clients to develop a sensible service proposal and transition plan. Service plans can be staged over time and modified to adjust to changing conditions in an advisor’s business.
Achieving the proper balance in your business process better prepares you for uncertainty and change.