Buffett indicator is on the rise again

Buffett indicator is on the rise again

There are many indicators that help investors determine whether there’s value in the market or it has gone ahead of itself. One of the simplest ones, is the so called “Buffet indicator”, which simply looks at the total market cap of the equity market, using the Wilshire 5000 index as a proxy, as a percentage of U.S. gdp.

By: Gustavo A. Cano

It's been more than 30 years since food ate up this much of Americans' income

It's been more than 30 years since food ate up this much of Americans' income

Americans are spending more than 11% of their disposable income on food, per federal data — the highest level in more than three decades, matching 1991, the Wall Street Journal reports. Groceries and restaurants are both getting more expensive.

By: Axios

Absurd price increases across existing single-family homes

Absurd price increases across existing single-family homes

Thru end of January, over past two decades, median price of existing single-family home (blue) has grown by 114%, S&P 500 (orange) has increased by 123%, and CPI (white) has increased by 66%.

By: Liz Ann Sonders